Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Sporty Giffy ~ K-Tales (Jun)

Giffy, truly was one of his kind - born to 2 very tall parents,
The 3 would never fit in a single frame, but he was always a sport!

Always the outstanding one in his class,
Giffy would stick his neck out in any situation, that's why he was truly a sport!

Gifted naturally with a super height, he could bring a different point of view to most things,
That's what made him such a creative and artistic sport!

However, always eager to participate in sports to compete and win,
He would never come first only because of his height, but he still never lost heart by being a sport!

In speed racing, his long neck made him the farthest to start,
He ran faster than most and got off to a good start only to lose in the end because his feet were still far apart, but he never gave up being a sport!

Since speed racing did not give him a chance to win, he tried swimming across the pool,
He would take big strokes, but the problem was the same because by the time his full body arrived at the finish line, someone else had already crossed it, but Giffy still wanted to be the best in the sport!

In archery, he would bend his neck backwards to try and aim well,
He tried his best to shoot straight by bending maximum only to miss the target because he was unable to balance his neck so far out, but he still tried every shot like a sport!

In parachuting, he would try to poke his head out and balance the ropes,
He would look out for a good landing only to land with a 'thud' in a rough patch because his long neck and head generally got covered with the large chute, but he still never let a bad landing spoil his fun of the sport!

In billiards, he would aim well looking at the balls to be hit in a straight line with the cue stick,
He would chalk his cue stick well, only to realize he hit his own chin hard because his head would end up between the balls to be hit, but in spite of the hits, he still never let himself become a spoiled sport!

On the high-jump trampoline, Giffy would bounce easily, going up & down in the air,
He would bounce the highest, but only to bounce so high at times that his head would hit the ceiling with a 'thud', yet he would never let the bump on his head stop him from jumping into the sport!

Finally, one day Giffy found what he had always wanted - a sport in which he could compete & win...
Never put down by his unusual height or what others had to say, he had been able to accept uneasy situations & second positions in the other sports without complain or worry, that's what had made him truly a SUPER SPORT!

His height, that had been a big problem in the other sports, had now become his biggest strength in the sport of basketball,
His long neck & arms helped him reach the basket so easily, that with a little chase and a push of the ball, he would score so many points... soon SPORTY GIFFY became a true HERO of the sport!

Pictures Credit: Hilarious Giraffe illustrations by Japanese artist Keigo.

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