Friday, December 16, 2016

Kavish's 1st B'day!

As I learn to explore the novel surroundings around me...
Crawling, standing & at times, with my head over me...

With curiosity & wonderment, am always looking around...
Aha! But I also want to know what lies beyond...

Am playful & giggling most times.. but when am not...
I make it point to get some rest.. & power-nap a lot...

God's love flows along Her hand to caress & His touch to nurture...
Developing & molding my path for an awesome future...

True to my name, as the 'Lord of poets', am already babbling...
Come, bless me as I turn 1, & grow into an adorable darling!

Kavish's first birthday celebrated on 15th Dec' 16 with decorating his room a lot of gifts from all... 
2 days later, 'Mata ki Chowki' organised to seek divine grace upon us all!