Thursday, August 1, 2019

Space's Got Talent ~ K-Tales (Jul)

After looking at the stars and planets that evening through his telescope, little Kavish was lying down, just about to go to sleep while listening to a story of Hanuman jumping up to the Sun (thinking it to be a fruit to be eaten).

His eyes had soon shut, but his thoughts continued and soon Kavish was in a rocket heading to space. He was on his way to celebrate the Sun's birthday party with all the other planets.

Traveling very fast through space, Kavish was the first to reach the Sun's party and all the other planets were on their way. Stepping out of the rocket in his astronaut suit and marking his presence with a red flag, Kavish looked behind to see the blue planet 'Earth' that was his home - from space, it looked like a small ball, but was spinning fast to reach in time for the party.

Soon enough, all the planets had made their way to the party. The party had started with some thundering music and lightning effects. Kavish had enjoyed dancing to the tunes, rolling with open arms in the empty space with the planets spinning around him.

After the dancing, it was time for some games - the birthday star Sun had come over and announced that all planets would participate in a game of 'Space's Got Talent', a talent show where each planet would show or talk something special about itself to win the game.

First came Mercury or Budh (in hindi) since it's the closest to the Sun. "Named after the messenger of the Gods, I am very fast and take only 88 days to go around the Sun!", said Mercury. All the planets clapped for Mercury, who'd been first to show his talent.

Next came Venus or Shukra (in hindi). "Named after the Goddess of Love, I am the brightest planet and also called the Evening Star because of my brightness which can be seen from far, far away in space!", said Venus while all the planets looked in surprise.

Kavish's planet Earth was next. It said "Am the only planet on which plants, animals and human beings can live long!" and all the other planets wondered how it would be to have life on them.

Next was the turn of the planet Mars or Mangal (in hindi). "Named after the God of War, I am red in colour and have many seasons, just like Earth!", said Mars.

Little Kavish was happy to know that Mars too had seasons and was thinking if there were any aliens living on it, just like Earth had human beings living on it. He wished he could take some photographs of the aliens to show his friends on Earth.

Jupiter was next in line but he wanted to talk last and so, Saturn or Shani (in hindi) took the next turn.

"I have rings made of ice, dust and rocks. My name comes from the God of Wealth!", said Saturn. Kavish wondered how much fun it would be to hula-hoop with Saturn's big rings around his waist.

The rest planets were now sure that Saturn would win the talent show because none of them had rings like Saturn around themselves, but they were all eager to wait till the end to find out the winner.

Uranus came in next and said, "I am an ice giant, named after the God of Sky and my seasons last 20 years!" Kavish remembered Earth has 4 seasons in the year, but Uranus had 1 season for 20 years.

The planet that's far away from the Sun came next. "Am the coldest planet and blue in colour, named after the God of Sea", said Neptune.

Now, all wanted to hear what Jupiter or Guru ('teacher' in hindi) would say in the end to be able to win the talent show. He had only been listening patiently until now...

"I am the largest of all planets, with stripes and red spots on my body. Named after the king of Gods, I have 67 moons spinning around me!" Just when the rest planets were thinking how they could win against the giant Jupiter, he said, "... but the true winner of this talent show Space's Got Talent is actually none other than the Sun. It is because the Sun is in the center for us all to go around and gives light to us all, that each of us can have our own talents. If the Sun were not to be there, none of us would have any talent to show or talk about!"

All the planets gave a thundering clap to what Jupiter had said. Much like a teacher, Jupiter had taught the rest planets an important lesson - that they should never think too much of themselves because their very presence and a lot of their talent came from the Sun being at their center.

In service to their teacher, all planets agreed that the winner of the talent show ' Space's Got Talent' was the birthday star - SUN!

As the party came to an end, all the planets thanked Jupiter for the lesson and promised that they would never think too much of themselves. Sun too thanked Jupiter for his teaching.

As Kavish said good-bye to all the planets, he understood how lucky he had been to hear the planets talk about their strengths and learn the lesson Jupiter had taught all of them:

"Never to have pride in our talent and always be humble!"

He promised he would always remember and practise it in his life.

Just then his Mumma called out to him, "Kavish.. get up! The Sun is up, it's time to go to school..."

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