Monday, March 5, 2018

My memories of Kapil...

G2, the term Kapil coined way back when I'd joined J&J under my namesake senior (referred to as G1), is even today the way some of my colleagues continue to refer to me... over the recent 3 years of our close association, he had become a friend, philosopher and guide professionally...

He definitely stood for 'so much more' in life, whilst passionately batting for Johnson's all throughout his professional career; as his wife put it appropriately, he was married to J&J first and then to her...

Standing up for his team, ensuring a great bond between its members and his connect with people, whatever be their background, were qualities that really stood out for me in his leadership.

Taking time out on a weekday to attend our baby-shower ceremony with Karishma was his way of sharing a close personal connect... will always fondly remember his being a part of such a milestone for us.

On the professional side, the learning's as part of my customer marketing role under him were immense and he supported each of the new programs & launches we undertook with a unique, creative approach...

Never happy with the basic, he always pushed for better and stood for making an impact rather than following the norm... personal qualities each can learn from. A tech-geek with an extrovert, boisterous persona were facets that made him unmissable.

Kapil, I really hope my last words shared with you over a message would have stood true... 

Reminiscing his memory, sharing some of the words he took inspiration from, which he quoted at the last conference and can be a source of inspiration for all...

God Bless!

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