Monday, June 20, 2016


On the occasion of my first Father’s Day, here’s a small note on what I’ve learnt from my li’l 6-month old bundle of joy, Kavish:

That listening to your sonographic heartbeat as a tiny little life-cell could make grown-ups like me skip our own,

That a bond can also be vocal, created by reading to you from the time you were in your mummy’s tummy…

That holding you in my arms for the first time was the closest I could get to feeling like the Creator had worked through me…

That God makes us miniature in size to guarantee us the love & good wishes of all by default...

That innocence is a virtue & you embody it with a grace only the Almighty can bestow…

That there is so much truth in the idiom ‘Sleep like a baby’…

That babies are very much like the elderly, without the bed sores...

& that whilst lying on our beds, at the start of our lives, we are all fans of 'fans'!

That we are much like you for we suckle at the Mother for all our needs and she lovingly only nurtures & protects!

That the need to strive for our own evolution from as basic as an act of crawling is so inherently built into the human psyche…

That curiosity to observe & learn is best explained through the eyes of a baby!

That babies can beat Baba Ramdev hands down in a Yoga contest with their foot in the mouth!

That ‘Jahan soch wahan shauchalay’ is not just a Government of India campaign for rural women…

& that diaper-marketing is a social service job!

That a simple smile at the end of the day can be a panacea to all our worries & anxieties!

That the magical moments lie in the spontaneity between reaching milestones...

That the Mother even when she weans us away from her, only wants us to evolve further…

That I too have grown with you as my own desires automatically sublimated, when your needs took precedence…


Vandana said...

You have deeply felt and very beautifully expressed what a truly concerned and genuinely responsible parent feels! May you enjoy your journey as a father and may your lil bundle of joy gladly follow your footsteps! Wishing you all the joy and happiness on this father's day and everyday!!!

Jayna Dave said...

Beautifully written Gautam.

shradha gursingh said...

Love the way you have expressed your feelings Gautam! Kavish will surely be happy to read it when he grows up! Continue to be as supportive and caring as you are all through this journey of parenthood! Thank you for being there always ��

Gautam said...

Thanks Vandana... enjoying the journey already & look fwd to even more fun times :)

Gautam said...

Thanks JD... Hope you & Sachin are doing well!

Gautam said...

Thanks Shradha... Am comforted with Kavish under your care & the support you've extended in our journey of parenthood... Thanks for being there always :)